Dating Tips, Ideas, Advice

Stumped on where to take your date? Unsure of what to wear or how to act on a first date? We know dating can be intimidating, confusing, and overwhelming at times. We are here to help you enter the world of dating and relationships with confidence. One of the ways we strive to do this is through our blog.

From date ideas in Perth to relationship advice to how to know if you are ready for a relationship, we continually compile expert advice to help guide you through the complicated world of dating. Our mission is to help take some of the guesswork out of finding a meaningful match and helping you enjoy the world of dating rather than dreading it.

We have years of successful matchmaking experience and a wealth of knowledge, and we are happy to share our expertise with you. Do you have a topic you would like to see covered in a future blog? Please let us know – we would love to hear your feedback or suggestions.

11 Signs You May Be Dating a Narcissist

Dating a narcissist can be exciting, intense, and intoxicating – at first. Initially, a narcissistic partner may be…


12 Tips for Dating After Divorce

The dating world can already be intimidating, but it can be especially daunting if you have just gone…


The Best Tips for What to Wear on a First Date

Whether we like it or not, our appearance plays a role in how we are perceived. This is…


Chemistry Vs Compatibility – What Is More Important?

We need both chemistry and compatibility. But compatibility is often overlooked when you feel chemistry with someone. You…


A Matchmaker’s Guide To Being Single On Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular, commercialised days of the year, making it hard to ignore…


15 Signs That You’re Ready For a Relationship This New Year

Are you hoping to find love in the new year but aren’t sure if you are ready for…


Top 5 Summer Date Ideas For Adults in Perth

With the option to be outside enjoying the warm sunshine, dating can get a lot more exciting coming…