Improve Your Confidence: Tips to Make a Great First Impression

When preparing to meet someone for the first time, you likely understand you must try to dress nicely, act appropriately, and have an all-around good attitude. You are aware meeting someone for the first time is your opportunity to make a connection that could turn into a significant relationship. While you do not plan on making a poor first impression, it is remarkably easy to do. 

Why Improving Your Confidence Is Important!

Key Takeaway: Are First Impressions Everything?  

First impressions really are everything, and you will want to leave a good one. Showing the best version of yourself can help create positivity that may lead to another date.  

Five Ways You May Be Making Bad First Impressions 

1. Being Late- Whether you had to work late, missed your train, or your dog just had puppies, the person waiting for you will likely only remember the lack of punctuality even if you had a good reason. If you know you will be showing up late, at minimum, send a message explaining why you are delayed. 

 2. Little Eye Contact- You do not need to stare at your date’s eyes constantly, but eye contact does matter. A lack of eye contact is associated with dishonesty, but it often stems from a lack of self-confidence. 

 3. Showing Disinterest- Not all of your date’s hobbies have to fascinate you, but pay attention to what they are saying and offer positive feedback. You do not have to pretend you have a lifelong fascination with impressionists, but you can try to be open to learning more about the artists. This is not being disingenuous; it is being polite. Ask a few questions. Who knows, their hobby could be something you get joy from at some point. 

 4. Dressing too Casually- Society’s rules regarding correct dressing are very close to being tossed out the window. While there is nothing wrong with being comfortably dressed, wearing dirty, wrinkled, or ill-fitting clothing on a first date is a significant mistake. 

 5. Appearing to have Little Confidence- You do not need to carry yourself like King Charles III. However, if you are slumping, mumbling, and directing your conversation to the floor, you also show a substantial lack of confidence. 

Importance of Confidence in Professional Men  

Regardless of your industry or position, you need to believe strongly in your ability to take charge and make decisions. When you walk into a room, those around you sense your authority and belief in yourself and your abilities. You always want to carry that feeling with you. 

Other benefits of confidence for professional men, 

  • Improved assertiveness- If you want to be taken seriously, allow your actions and your words to have focused intent. 
  • Accomplish more- Confidence allows you to push yourself out of your comfort zone. You can set and achieve new goals and take on challenging projects. Your employers and colleagues will notice you get things done, increasing their trust. 
  • Effective communication- There is no room for roundabout communication in most industries. You need to get your point across efficiently and with confidence. You will be able to do that.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


Five Ways to Improve Confidence  

  1. Practise self-affirmation and turn off the negative mindset 
  1. Build solid and positive relationships 
  1. Take time to be grateful for what you have achieved 
  1. Challenge yourself with long and short-range goals 
  1. Focus on your all-around health and wellness to prevent being physically diminished 


Clothing and Confidence  

The old saying “Clothes make the man” is still in use because it is true. What you put on before leaving your home sets the tone for the day.  

Think about your favourite sports team. The players all appear so different in ordinary clothing. When they put on the team uniform, they become a different version of themselves. The same man softly reading his child a bedtime story 24 hours earlier transforms into a warrior. While not everyone wants to be a warrior, but most people are open to being the best version of themselves. 

 Your wardrobe does not need to be made up of top designer labels to allow you to dress to impress. Concentrate on building with several key outfits within a few categories. If possible, buy pieces that can be interchanged. 

  • Business attire 
  • Leisure clothing 
  • Sportswear 

Add some transitional pieces, and do not forget your men’s date night outfit. 


Hygiene and Fitness to Improve Confidence  

How you take care of your body is vital to improving your confidence. Taking shortcuts with hygiene and fitness will never help you gain confidence. However, after doing some of these activities, your confidence level should improve because you are showing yourself that you matter. 

  • Working out by doing something you enjoy 
  • Take a soothing shower 
  • Take a few extra minutes getting dressed and make sure you look well-groomed. 
  • Enjoy a massage or time in the sauna at a local wellness spa 
  • Invest time in making healthy meals for yourself 
  • Get plenty of sleep 


What to Do If You Don’t Make a Good First Impression  

Occasionally, things go awry, and you fall short trying to make the excellent first impression you planned. While you do not get another chance to make that first impression, you should not take it for granted that you can never build a relationship in the future. You can do a few things to recover from a negative first meeting.  

  • Forgive Yourself- Everyone has bad days or says the wrong thing. The first step in getting past your bad first encounter is to let yourself off the hook and then move forward. 
  • Apologise- You should do this as soon as possible so you can try to prevent the negative from sinking in with quick action. Additionally, you must be actually sorry. If your apology is fake, your date will know it.  
  • Avoid OverDoing the Apology- Being honest and straight to the point is all that is necessary. A text message after a bad first date explaining that you got off on the wrong foot is sufficient.  
  • Clarify Your Position- After apologising, you can mention that you will not repeat the mistake. 
  • Move Forward- You cannot force someone to give you another chance, but you will never know unless you try. 


Working with the Experts 

Finding someone with whom you can build a good relationship is challenging, even more so when your career makes finding spare time difficult. At Hytch, we are here to help professionals like you find your ideal someone.  

Joining Perth’s premier matchmaking companies puts you in an excellent position to meet people with qualities you enjoy and a similar outlook on life. If you feel a bit lost in the vast dating landscape, feel free to reach out to us. 

Our experts will draw from our extensive network and proven techniques of matchmaking for professionals to work for you.